Thursday, June 2, 2011

A few weeks late, but a good memory nontheless. Climbing Colorado.

On the first day of our official Summer break from our first year of school together, we decided to go hiking. We drove up to a beautiful place we'd been a couple times before and began to climb. The first bit was easy enough, that was until Paul remembered that I had asthma, and (being the sweet, caring boyfriend he is) became nervous that I might have a hard time breathing. I never knew anyone could spend as much time worrying about someone else as I do, but luckily, I found my other half in that way.

As usual we were being silly the entire way up and I spent most of my time being concerned that I was going to trip on a rock and die or slide down the mountain. Which Paul, of course, told me he would save me from if such the thing ever happened. 

After all the work and conversation we made it to our check point and looked down at the state we call home. It was really a wonderful feeling to be there with him. And although the walk down took a lot of less time and contained a lot less chitter-chatter, it was still wonderful. This was one of those "I'm going to remember this for the rest of my life" type of days because we came to one of the happiest conclusions we'd had together, thus far. It was a happy day where we got passed a big past and started an even bigger future.

 Yours truly,

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